How To Workout During Quarantine

It seems like the majority of our days now revolve around rolling out of bed, (maybe) brushing our teeth, working, snacking, working some more and ending our day with some Netflix. We understand that it’s hard to get yourself out of the house and to the gym even when we’re not under quarantine circumstances, so what is one to do when that’s not even an option?

Here are 5 ways you can still workout during quarantine with no equipment needed.

1. Youtube- Nope, you’re not sitting on the couch to watch people workout! Youtube has a plethora of great workout videos, especially ones that don’t use weights or machines. We highly recommend Rebecca Louise and Natasha Oceane for some great exercises.

2. Dance Party- You heard us. Crank up your favorite music and just dance. Get others in your house involved too! You’ll be surprised at how much you can actually sweat just by dancing to a few songs. Here is a great Shopify playlist that we love to dance to!

3. Random Objects- Don’t have any weights at home? Find things around your house (we've personally used a mini fire extinguisher) to do bicep curls, squats or crunches with!

4. Resistance Bands- While weights have been almost wiped out on Amazon, resistance bands are still available. These can add increased difficulty to your workout and most brands have different levels (light, medium, heavy) depending on the workout needed! We recommend these on Amazon!

5. Walking/Running- If you live in an area where you don’t come in contact with people then going on a run is a great way to workout, especially with the weather getting warmer. It’s important to still be cautious if others pass by and continue to maintain a safe distance.

We also asked our community how they’re staying active and here are some answers!

  • “Random dance parties with kids!!”
  • “Walking at least 10,000 steps daily”
  • “Elliptical, lifting weights, early morning walks”
  • "Zoom workouts with friends"


Stay well,

MM Team

PC: @zayraaah