September 15, 2020
5 Tips to Simplify Holiday Travel: What's in your bag?
Stress and last-minute holiday packing go hand in hand. We at Moroccan Magic understand this stress and have compiled a list of simple rules for organizing your travel bag, so that you can focus less on what to pack, and more on getting to your destination.
Tip #1
Start strong with a Smart Suitcase
Tip #1
Start strong with a Smart Suitcase
Meet the perfect carry-on. Unbreakable, thoughtfully designed, and guaranteed for life. Inside: two compartments, one designed for clothes, the other for shoes, toiletries, and other hard objects. Outside: an impenetrable shell that bends under pressure, never breaks.
Tip #2
Don’t pack more than necessary
There’s no point in trying to fit the entire contents of your closet into your holiday bag. Choose a more sensible approach by selecting only THE MOST ESSENTIAL ITEMS.
Tip #3
Roll, don't fold.
Because who wants to iron on holiday? A great way to save suitcase space and make sure that your clothes don’t wrinkle is to store them in tight rolls instead of stacking them on top of each other.
Tip #4
Buy travel-size skincare/beauty products
We all feel the need to look stunning during the holiday, because let's face it... a LOT of photo ops will present themselves with all the twinkling going on and these images will likley make your friends and family's social media pages. Try to purchase as many travel sized versions of your favorite products as possible to maximize space for that fabulous red dress you intend to wear on Christmas Eve.
To save even more space, purchase plastic stacking travel cases add just a little bit of each product to its own tiny container!
Tip #5
To save even more space, purchase plastic stacking travel cases add just a little bit of each product to its own tiny container!
Tip #5
Red for the holidays isn't cheesy, it’s fun! Think bold on your lips or nails. Dolce Matte Lipstick is the year's hottest red to look your holiday best. And don't forget to protect your pucker by adding a little argan oil magic underneath with Moroccan Magic Organic Pepperminut Eucalyptus lip balm, available on Amazon!

Other helpful tips include:
Keeping a portable phone charger with you at all times.
Wearing walkable shoes. Try keeping the heels on hold during travel and those last minute holiday shopping sprints.
Keeping a Kind bar in your purse to keep up your energy when meals or flights are delayed.
Carrying hand sanitizer so you don't bring home the flu in addition to that cute, new scarf your mother bought you.
The best tip we can give though is to try and let go of the stress, take deep