June 01, 2021
Our top 5 Self Care Remedies to get you through Winter!
Winter is truly on its way and if you’re the type of person who struggles a bit when
the days get colder and shorter then hopefully this post will help.
Here are our top 5 self-care remedies to help you feel a bit brighter
and get you through the winter.
There are so many benefits to dry brushing. Check out this video to learn how to
add this treatment to your winter beauty routine:
add this treatment to your winter beauty routine:
Turning on the heat also means dry air. Sleeping with a humidifier on at night may help
to relieve dehydrated skin, nails, lips and hair during the winter months. Vicks Germ Free Warm Mist Humidifier is out favorite as you can also drop essential oils in the water for added benefits.
to relieve dehydrated skin, nails, lips and hair during the winter months. Vicks Germ Free Warm Mist Humidifier is out favorite as you can also drop essential oils in the water for added benefits.
Hang a fresh eucalyptus plant under your shower head during
the winter months.
the winter months.
Some people tend to become more fatigued, vitamin D deficient and melancholy
during winter months. A light box can mimic sunlight and is believed to boost energy
and mood. Try adding one to your office! Buy yours on target.com today!
during winter months. A light box can mimic sunlight and is believed to boost energy
and mood. Try adding one to your office! Buy yours on target.com today!
Our lips can become extra dry and chapped in the winter months. Here is
one of our favorite DIY lip scrub recipes. HINT: After application, wash off with a
warm towel and immediately apply Organic Moroccan Magic lip balm for
continued healing benefits and protection.
one of our favorite DIY lip scrub recipes. HINT: After application, wash off with a
warm towel and immediately apply Organic Moroccan Magic lip balm for
continued healing benefits and protection.
1 tablespoon of organic coconut oil.
2 tablespoons of brown sugar.
1 tablespoon of organic honey.
Small glass container with lid
(try an old pot of lip gloss or baby food jar)
Bowl & spoon to mix ingredients.
2 tablespoons of brown sugar.
1 tablespoon of organic honey.
Small glass container with lid
(try an old pot of lip gloss or baby food jar)
Bowl & spoon to mix ingredients.

Keep warm out there & don't forget your lip balm!
Organic Argan & Essential Oil Lip Balm
Available at CVS Nationwide